Preserving our local Green Urban Lung

Preserving the biodiversity of Severus Hill is of utmost importance. The hill provides a balanced ecosystem where different species coexist and contribute to the overall health of the environment.

2/7/20243 min read

Severus Hill, located in York, is a 4-acre site, which was once a reservoir owned by Yorkshire Water. Has over the last few decades transformed into a natural haven in the heart of the community. Encompassing trees, shrubs, and grasslands. It has been officially designated as a Site of Importance to Nature Conservation, highlighting its ecological significance.

Severus Hill is home to a diverse range of wildlife, making it a vital sanctuary for various species. Among the inhabitants are foxes, hedgehogs, voles, tawny owls, woodpeckers, waxwings, and sparrow hawks. These creatures rely on the sanctuary of the hill for their survival and any move to develop on this land would have devastating consequences for their populations.

Read more about the wildlife on Severus Hill and their importance to our local ecosystem.

Preserving the biodiversity of Severus Hill is of utmost importance. The hill provides a balanced ecosystem where different species coexist and contribute to the overall health of the environment. It serves as a habitat for both predators and prey.

Furthermore, under careful management, Severus Hill offers a unique opportunity for residents and visitors to celebrate, experience and appreciate the wonders of nature. Its tranquil setting allows individuals to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life and connect with the natural world. This hill could serves as a valuable educational resource, providing a hands-on learning environment for people of all ages. However the site would always remain, Nature first!

Efforts must be made to safeguard Severus Hill from any potential development. It is crucial to raise awareness about the importance of this wildlife refuge and garner support from the local community and authorities. By highlighting the ecological significance and the diverse range of species that call this place home, we can emphasize the need for its protection.

Working with local conservation organisations, environmentalists, and concerned residents the Friends of Severus Hill are keen to play a pivotal role in advocating for the preservation and celebration of Severus Hill. Collaborative efforts, such as fundraising, schools work, and engaging in dialogue with the landowners, can help ensure that the hill remains intact.

The loss of Severus Hill would not only be detrimental to the wildlife that inhabits it but also to the overall biodiversity of the region and York's environmental health. It is our responsibility to protect and conserve these precious natural spaces for future generations to enjoy and appreciate. Together, we can make a difference in safeguarding the wildlife refuge at Severus Hill.

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Click below to find out more about our fundraising campaign to save Severus Hill and how a small donation will help us conserve the Wildlife, Environment, History and Heritage of Severus Hill.

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Severus Hill